Lettings made simple

No complicated jargon, just the personal service you would expect from a family run letting agent of 40 years.

Comprehensive service.
Tenant find and full management letting services which include everything you need.
We have you covered.
Covering all of Sutton Coldfield including Erdington, Kingstanding, Shenstone and parts of Walsall.
Crisp and clean marketing.
Your property listed on our own popular website, OnTheMarket.com and Zoopla and social media.
Letting in Sutton Coldfield

Landlord Charges

Nothing is worse than hidden charges and letting agents are now legally required to disclose all of their letting fees. You can find ours below and to make life easier, all of our charges include VAT as standard.

What's even better is that unlike some letting agents, we don't mark up supplier invoices and we don't charge extra for bits and pieces which we think should be included in a 'managed service' as standard.

Managent charge calculator

Struggling to work out exactly how much rent you'll receive with our fully managed service? Use our calculator by entering the expected rent amount per calendar month and we will work out the rent you will receive.

Frequently asked questions

Have a different question and can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to us by sending us an email and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

I want to let my property. Do I need to tell my mortgage provider?
Yes. Your mortgage lender needs to give you permission before you can let your property, and they may impose special conditions.
Why should I use a managing agent?
It creates a professional distance between you and the tenancy and means you can avoid having to deal with all the bad bits like rent arrears, deposit disputes or all the legal bits.
Why should I have an inventory?
An inventory is a detailed list of the contents and condition of your property taken before the tenant moves in. It is important that if there is a dispute over damage at the end of the tenancy, you have proof of the original condition of the property and its contents.